Saturday, April 2, 2016

Hermes home

Hermes (as you know) is my pet bee. I made Hermes a home all by myself. it even has a little bell so he now has  a door bell. he likes it.

A little( make that a lot) bit about Hermes

Hermes is my pet honey bee, his favorite color is green. he lives near our deck, i had made him a home all by myself. Hermes likes to visit his home, since it is raining he is currently in his home. Hermes gender is a Male. after it stops raining i will ask Hermes his favorite flower pollen. 2:00 PM Hermes said his favorite flower pollen is the Rosemary. He wants to send honey to you as soon as he can. he is just a baby bee though. he really likes to do acrobatic moves for my family. i am sending Hermes for a visit really soon. so be on a lookout for Hermes. but i am not sending him today because he is a little bit queasy, i will try to send him for a visit tomorrow. hopefully he will make it, his little home has little glass toadstools that ( from his view ) are trees. i want to make Hermes feel more at home. any ideas? i can try to ask Mom if i can let Hermes inside every once and a while. there is some windows in our living room with screens, one has a little hole in the screen big enough for a bee because once 1 or 2 years ago a bee flew in and then went out . Hermes favorite food is Strawberries. David likes Hermes too. but He is my pet. only mine. His birthday was yesterday.   April, 1, 2015 was his birthday. i saw a bees nest in the woods 5 days ago and Michael thinks it is a yellow jacket nest. he can get VERY wierd. ever since he got stung by a yellow jacket 12 times in a row while he was mowing Mr. Jon's lawn he has not wanted to mow the his lawn again. i think that that bees nest is Hermes home. Please excuse me i am going to visit Hermes.

Friday, April 1, 2016

My pet bee

I have this pet bee that i named Hermes, He lives near our deck. I think that he understands me because when we were trying to kill some annoying wasps Hermes started to attack the wasps, Michael seems afraid of my pet bee, i am alright with Hermes buzzing  in my ear all the time, I am not so sure Michael agrees with THAT though! HA! HA! 

David also has two pet birds named Picky and Ricky.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


this is chat. all you have to do is post a comment to chat about things. ENJOY! ( there is no limit to how many comments you post on CHAT. ) -Kate


Do you want to play my guessing game? well, then try to solve one of these riddles:                   what gets soaked as other things get are dry?  give up? well try this riddle: What has four legs at dawn, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening? answers will be posted tomorrow