Saturday, April 2, 2016

A little( make that a lot) bit about Hermes

Hermes is my pet honey bee, his favorite color is green. he lives near our deck, i had made him a home all by myself. Hermes likes to visit his home, since it is raining he is currently in his home. Hermes gender is a Male. after it stops raining i will ask Hermes his favorite flower pollen. 2:00 PM Hermes said his favorite flower pollen is the Rosemary. He wants to send honey to you as soon as he can. he is just a baby bee though. he really likes to do acrobatic moves for my family. i am sending Hermes for a visit really soon. so be on a lookout for Hermes. but i am not sending him today because he is a little bit queasy, i will try to send him for a visit tomorrow. hopefully he will make it, his little home has little glass toadstools that ( from his view ) are trees. i want to make Hermes feel more at home. any ideas? i can try to ask Mom if i can let Hermes inside every once and a while. there is some windows in our living room with screens, one has a little hole in the screen big enough for a bee because once 1 or 2 years ago a bee flew in and then went out . Hermes favorite food is Strawberries. David likes Hermes too. but He is my pet. only mine. His birthday was yesterday.   April, 1, 2015 was his birthday. i saw a bees nest in the woods 5 days ago and Michael thinks it is a yellow jacket nest. he can get VERY wierd. ever since he got stung by a yellow jacket 12 times in a row while he was mowing Mr. Jon's lawn he has not wanted to mow the his lawn again. i think that that bees nest is Hermes home. Please excuse me i am going to visit Hermes.